
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Honduras


If you didn't know this about me, mission trips are a huge part of my life. I have been called to serve, and I hope that I am given the opportunity to for the rest of my life. Hispanic culture specifically intrigues me, and my experiences in paises hispanohablantes have definitely influenced me to choose Spanish as one of my majors. I hope to one day visit all 21 countries with Spanish as the official language, mission trip or not, and to experience all of the beautifully different cultures and places that this world has to offer. Here is a peek into my trip to Honduras a couple of years ago. I love the colors of this country- the skin colors, natural colors, and architectural colors. There is literally beauty everywhere you turn, and I love looking back on these photos. 4 countries down, 17 to go...

1 comment:

  1. Blake!! You are so awesome. I feel like I know you even though we have never met because your writing is so personable. These photos tell so many stories. Spanish is one of my many passions too. I will be studying abroad in Argentina over the summer towards my minor and I could not be more excited. Your perspective on the world is very beautiful. I really hope that you get to visit all 21 of the countries because people like you deserve it! Plus, I want to live vicariously through you a little bit more. And the wanderlust continues.. You are very talented and kind-hearted. I wish there were more people like you in the world. Keep it up! You are a world-changer.




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